My brother James and his girlfriend Anna got married yesterday. I was chief photographer. We had a great day, with the wedding in Chelsea Town Hall, then we got a Route Master Bus across town to
Beauberry House in Dulwich Village. The whole collection of photos are
The photo here was taken with my 7D, a Canon 10-22mm lens and two flashes, triggered by Yongnuo RF-602 radio triggers. I only got the triggers this week and while they proved reliable at the wedding, I can't get them to sync at 1/250s, the camera's sync speed. Instead I'm limited to 1/200 of a second. It's not a huge problem but on a sunny day it makes life more difficult. Still I think we got the shot here.
Bizzarely, we made it onto the BBC news, thanks to the Tories plan to give married couples £150 per year. The video is on the iPlayer here
One last photo - James, my Gran and me, taken by Laura.