Wednesday, February 24, 2010


IMG_7237, originally uploaded by Andy Waterman.

I'm in Turkey at the moment with Laura. Pretty special place although I can't quite get my head around the hard sell. Visited the Aya Sofia today, ate fish sandwiches and walked around the Grand Bazaar and the Spice Bazaar. Which is why I'm in bed blogging - my feet hurt!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seat mounted off camera flash

Today - yesterday infact, it's got late - I was out shooting covers for Cycling Weekly and Cycling Active Magazines with Claire Beaumont and Ben Spurrier from Condor Cycles. I wanted to get some panning shots, but without harsh shadows on the riders faces, so I came up with this solution.
The idea was to put a flash underneath the front rider's saddle, then get them both to sprint, one in front of the other rider, opening up the possibility of multiple strobed panning shots. The results were ok but the problem was distance - getting the front rider out of the shot - and recylcing - by the time the flash had recycled at 1/2 power (sunny day) they'd gone through my shooting zone. Still, I'll persevere with this, it's got legs.
As it was a paid gig I haven't really got any outtakes to show you - yet - but I'm pretty happy with them. The weather plaid a big part though - you don't get many days like this in February: Spring is very much on its way!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Rollapaluza — Herne Hill

Scan 1, originally uploaded by Andy Waterman.

Scan 4, originally uploaded by Andy Waterman.
Mark Cavendish turned up and didn't ride. Booooo! Results and all that here
I was shooting with the Bronica again, and I had a go at cross processing, using Provia 400x. The results weren't as wacky as I hoped for. Next attempt will be outside. Maybe more light will make a difference

Scan 6, originally uploaded by Andy Waterman.