Friday, November 27, 2009

New photo project

I've been a bit quiet recently as I've been mucking about with cameras for a new photo project. I've given the project its own blog — go look at for more.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Me and My Bike feature

There's a big feature about me and my Cannondale CX9 cross bikes on LondonCycleSport at the moment, go and have a look (click the picture to go there)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From this... to this

Betteshanger Colliery, originally uploaded by frazerweb.
Betteshanger Colliery was still running in 1989 when the above photo was taken, but since then coal mining has ceased and nowadays the site is a country park. On Sunday we raced round 7 of the London League there. It was tough but good. Finally winter has come and bought with that finest of all cycling surfaces, mud.
I figured that becasue the surface there is all coal dust, file treads would be ideal. I was wrong. In the end I ran Grifos pumped up quite hard - about 30psi.
After some good battles I rolled across the line in fourth. Again. One of these days I WILL GET ON THE PODIUM!!!!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

World Cup - Nommay

Being a total cross-geek I like nothing more than getting home from a race on a Sunday to watch the final lap of the day's World Cup on Youtube. So far this season, the big races have been fairly predictable, but today's race in Nommay, France, was genuinely exciting. Going into the final lap there are two men together, the World Champ Niels Albert and the crowd's favourite (well, my favourite) Zdenek Stybar. And is that Sven Nys just behind them? Yes, it is.
Click on the vid below to watch what is a genuinely exciting battle for the win.

PS, Ian Field will probably be disappointed to have finished back in 32nd having had a couple of top 20's in the Super Prestige recently, but finishing just over 3mins down in the company is not bad at all. Keep it coming Fieldy!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Pre-War cyclcocross

"Never will a daredevil succeed in being champion of cyclocross!" - Eugène Christophe

I just came across these images on (via Mr CrossTube). The top composite shot is from Le Cross Cyclo-pédestre des Mureaux, November 1921, the second shot of the steep bomb hole (I'd look at that twice on an MTB, let alone a pre-war road bike!) is from the 8e Critérium International de Cross Cyclo-pédestre, 07 February 1932, and finally, the last shot is from Prix Pasbecq, 11 Jan 1931.
The cyclocross archive on is very cool, I urge you to go and have a look!


Rollapaluza Muddy Hell Haloween cyclocross

What a great event! That was one of the best bike events I've ever been to. In fact, it was probably THE best bike event I've been to in the UK ever.
The event was held at Herne Hill velodrome and promoted by Rollapaluza who did a fantastic job providing a well lit course, cheap beer (although it ran out pretty early apparently) and good tunes to keep the crowd entertained.
Some of us dressed up in Haloween costumes (thus my silver gimp suit) but not enough - the events back on next year, lets have more people dressing up!
I had a nightmare when I punctured within about five pedal strokes of the gun firing. My back tyre went bang and I had to ride a whole lap on a flat tyre to get to the pits. Oh well.
The proof that it was a good event was that Laura and her sister Ellen came along and didn't hate it. Bike races that your girlfriend actually wants to come along to are the future - you heard it here first.
Ben Spurrier, Laura and me - we made the effort

This weekend was also the Inter Area cyclocross champs. Me, Ben and Gary Lingard travelled up to Leicester together in torrential rain. Can't say I was too motivated and I felt pretty knackered too - the excitement of the previous evening stopped me sleeping. 
We got there and were returned back to earth with a bang. After 1000 spectators at Herne Hill, it was back to one man and his dog in a windswept field. Oh, the glamour.
Ben did a very good ride and was first of our London B team. I sucked. In fact, I rode so badly I'm actually pretty happy that they haven't included me in the results. I guess I was down in 49th. Luckily, there's still no "I" in team.
On returning I checked out why I flatted on Saturday and I'm pretty sure I've written off a tub. What a waste of money, tub glue and time... I'm going to send it off to Pete Burgin at and see if he can revive it. Fingers crossed.