Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Back to Colchester

I haven't been back to Colchester for anything other than a bit of shopping for about three years. Rob was around staying with his parents for Christmas so we met up and went riding on some of the trails I used to ride when I lived there, and some that Rob showed me that were all new to me. It was strange being back, I'd say to Rob "this next descent is brilliant, really fast and technical", and then be really gutted to discover it was actually neither. Looks like I've become spoilt over the last few years, riding the like of the Alps and Whistler and riding the North Downs most weeks. What it did remind me is that if you're fit, you can have fun one any trail — you just need to be going super quick to get anything out of it and that takes hard work.
Today I rode in Danbury; discovered a nice little downhill track that some locals had built and rode it three times before riding back to Laura's to stuff my face with food and play with here little cousins.

Saturday, December 09, 2006